Edge ~ 1 Apr 2016

Throughout the next two weeks, there’s more than a bit of edge in the air.

Today, Mercury in Aries stands directly between Uranus and Eris. Mercury being the great communicator, Uranus being the one who fancies having more quirky ideas than anyone, and Eris who loved creating mayhem and inflicted revenge upon those she feels shut her out, combine for stracky, squeaky proclamations, rabid pot stirring and the embellishment of unorthodox ideas, with no regard for half baked or properly percolated.

To wit, watch the United States presidential campaign. Between now and the middle of April, the consensus thought is the candidate with the strangest, most avant garde policies and off kilter platform wins. While candidates work to out-weird the revolutionary ideas of the others, everyone on earth resists being labeled, forced into a box, or subjected to conformity. Meanwhile, the desire to feel included battles with the urge to be an enigmatic outsider rich in mystery and intrigue.

The easiest possible steps for solving issues of this component of the edge in the air are:

When new, quirky ideas arrive, spend enough time with them to sort them out fully.

When developing these ideas, ensure the end result will include everyone and exclude no one.

Ensure the motivation behind new idea innovation is not plutocratic, nor status seeking.

When communicating the idea to the masses, start with declaring the agenda and the good the rendering contributes to all.

Save intolerance for those intolerant sorts. When confronting exclusionary persons, work to find a way to hear their rants, and to include, define and heal the psychic issue that underscores their tirades.

In one week the Sun reaches Uranus. This is a time when one instinctively feels the need to strut their stuff, flaunt individuality and define personal uniqueness. Bear in mind that if one carries the instinctive urges too far, one may feel alienated, isolated and misunderstood, which will amplify and become far more strained in the next few days.

A naturally grumpy and cantankerous energy rides below the surface of Sun-Uranus. There’s grumpiness when others point out that when you do something that’s popular, you are a conformist. The Sun-Uranus pattern contends, if it is being done by them, it is not a fad... it’s a natural fit. Here’s the real thing about this pattern... there seems to be an expectation that others should clamor to recognize ones ingenuity, eccentricity and unorthodox methods despite the fact that those talents likely have not been demonstrated to the world... possibly because of a fear of rejection or concern of the label of nonconformist, difficult to include, fiercely independent, uncooperative and stubborn, all of which may be valid traits. However, when flipped, innovation, abstract logic, ingenuity, inventiveness and progressiveness result. May as well speak up and be included instead of becoming the legendary “get off the grass” neighborhood cranky person.

On April 12th, the Sun aligns with Eris. This aspect brings combustibility, explosiveness, yet supernova flare. Volatility rides shotgun with all pursuits. If one remains mindful of Eris and her psychic parameters, immense progress and altruistic advancement may occur. If not mindful, mayhem and discord clog up the forks in the road and the jam the traffic signals seeking to guide all safely on their way.

For positive results with Eris:

Find your personal Goldilocks zone in all things in life. See to fall between “not too little” and “way too much.”

Release attachments to social status and recognition and success. If one’s confidence is attached to the premiere membership or an economic stratum, likely satisfaction will not result.

Every now and again reverse the order of how things are done.

Seek to correct political wrongs. Without becoming a pain in the patootie, and not while not being satisfied with signing a petition, if you know you can do something that invokes positive change for the state of the planet, get on with doing it.

Recognize that the only one who truly understands your natural fit is you. Define natural fit, then seek to insert spirit into body with comfort and grace. Be fine in your skin.

Pick battles carefully, always attending to “win the battle, lose the war” cautions.

Fighting your nature is not a battle (war) that can be won. Surrender to the innocent purity of your spirit and embellish all of your creative nature.

Abandon models of mediocrity.

Seek to be excellent, as defined only by your personal standards of excellence.

Remember that when in the crowd that is the easiest place to feel alone.

Keep in mind that what others think of you is none of your business. You posses the most valid opinion on who/what you are.

Place nice in the sandbox, with all three eyes (physical eyes and third eye) focused on win-win outcomes. Negotiation is not a four-letter word.

Bottom line, those content and at ease with the inner workings of their being spread calm, peace, reason and progress. So, should you want to lubricate the edge in the air, be the best you can be and inspire others to be the same.

More soon.